
The make.count command reads a file, fasta file or series of fasta files and creates a count file.

Default Options

fasta && groups

mothur > make.count(fasta=sample1.fasta-sample2.fasta, groups=A-B)
Assigning sequences from file sample1.fasta to group A:	10 sequences assigned to group A
Assigning sequences from file sample2.fasta to group B:	1 sequences assigned to group B
Group count: 
A	10
B	1

Total of all groups is 11

Output File Names: merge.count_table

This command creates a file called merge.count_table.



The file parameter allows you to associate fasta files to sample names. mothur can create this for you with the make.file command.

mothur > make.file(inputdir=./fasta, type=fasta)

The resulting stability.files will look like:

testfile.DN1576.CAD	    testfile.DN1576.CAD_705.fasta	
testfile.DN1576.EF1a	testfile.DN1576.EF1a_771.fasta	
testfile.DN1576.MDH	    testfile.DN1576.MDH_498.fasta	
testfile.DN1576.RpS5	testfile.DN1576.RpS5_597.fasta	
testfile.DN1577.EF1a	testfile.DN1577.EF1a_771.fasta	
testfile.DN1577.MDH	    testfile.DN1577.MDH_498.fasta	
testfile.DN1577.RpS5	testfile.DN1577.RpS5_597.fasta	
testfile.DN1578.CAD	    testfile.DN1578.CAD_705.fasta	
testfile.DN1578.EF1a	testfile.DN1578.EF1a_771.fasta	

With the stability.files as input:

mothur > make.count(file=stability.files)

This command creates a file called stability.count_table.


The output parameter allows you to specify the name of count file created.

 mothur > make.count(fasta=sample1.fasta-sample2.fasta, groups=A-B, output=samples.count_table)


The format parameter allows you to specify whether the outputted file is a group file or count file. Options group or count. Default=count.


  • 1.48.0 First Introduced
  • 1.48.1 Adds file option